Complaints Procedure

of BANDI VAMOS a.s., ID No: 294 50 331, based at Ostrava-Vítkovice, Kotkova 271/6, Postcode 703 00, Czech republic registered in the Register of Companies maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Insert 11228.


Seller: BANDI VAMOS a.s., ID No: 294 50 331, with its registered office at Ostrava-Vítkovice, Kotkova 271/6, Postal Code 703 00, Czech republic, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Insert 11228 Contact details: telephone number: +420 608 215 055, e-mail:

Buyer: a natural or legal person who enters into a Purchase Contract with the Seller.

Consumer: a person who, in concluding and performing the Purchase Contract, acts outside the scope of his/her business activity or outside the scope of his/her independent exercise of his profession.

Goods: the movable items that are the subject of the Purchase Contract, in particular clothing, footwear and clothing accessories.

Service: Adjustment of men's clothing purchased from the Seller to the measurements of the Buyer.

Purchase Contract: a contract concluded between the Seller and the Buyer, the subject of which is the Seller's obligation to deliver the Goods to the Buyer and the Buyer's obligation to accept the Goods and pay the agreed purchase price to the Seller.

E-shop: online shop operated by the Seller at the Internet address


The basic prerequisite for the fulfilment of the utility value of the Goods is the appropriate choice of the Goods by the Buyer in terms of their type, size and purpose of use, as well as in terms of the Buyer's needs.

When selecting the Goods, the Buyer is obliged to consider the material composition of the Goods, in particular with regard to the intended purpose of use of the Goods and the manner of their treatment.

The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller shall not be liable for excessive wear and tear of the Goods caused by the selection of an inappropriate size of the Goods that does not meet the Buyer's needs (consequences of excessive stress on the fabric).

The Buyer is obliged to respect the material composition of the Goods when using and maintaining the Goods. The Buyer acknowledges that defects in the Goods caused by improper or substandard use or improper maintenance may not be accepted as part of a Complaint.

The Buyer acknowledges that the durability of the Goods is determined by the manner and intensity of use of the Goods. In addition, the Buyer acknowledges that intensive use may cause damage or destruction of the Goods through its wear and tear (formation of "lints", fabric fading or other changes in material due to intensive wear, frequent washing, drying, ironing). Wear and tear on the Goods caused by normal use is not a defect in the Goods.

The Buyer further acknowledges that the Seller shall not be liable for any changes to the Goods or their properties caused by the Buyer's own improper use of the Goods (in particular the use of improper deodorants, exposure to sweat, excessive intensity of use, excessive friction, excessive load – e.g. carrying heavy objects in pockets or excessive load on a wallet, briefcase or case, contact of the Goods with sharp edges, especially watches or jewellery).

The Buyer is obliged to inspect and check the Goods before purchasing them in the shop, in particular with regard to whether the Goods have mechanical damage or other obvious defects. In the case of purchase of Goods through the E-shop, the Buyer is obliged to inspect the Goods immediately after receipt of the Goods and check whether the Goods have no mechanical damage or other obvious defects.

Defects of the Goods caused by mechanical damage (e.g. torn thread in the fabric, cracked collar on the shirt) can be recognized in the Complaint only if these defects were already evident upon receipt of the Goods by the Buyer. The Buyer acknowledges that if the Buyer has had the opportunity to physically inspect the Goods prior to purchase (i.e. not a purchase through the E-shop), by accepting the Goods the Buyer confirms that the Goods do not exhibit mechanical damage and do not have other obvious defects, with the understanding that later Complaints of mechanical damage to the Goods or any other obvious defects of the Goods may not be taken into account. This Article of this Complaints Procedure shall not apply if the Buyer is a Consumer.

If the Buyer discovers that the Goods purchased through the E-shop are in any way mechanically damaged or show other obvious defects, the Buyer is obliged to object to the defect of the Goods to the Seller without undue delay and no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the Goods. The Buyer acknowledges that subsequent Complaints for mechanical damage to the Goods or obvious defects in the Goods purchased through the E-shop may not be taken into account. This Article of this Complaints Procedure shall not apply if the Buyer is a Consumer.

Regular and proper maintenance is a prerequisite for maintaining the good condition of the Goods and their long life. When maintaining the Goods, it is necessary to follow the symbols on the label of the Goods.

The Buyer acknowledges that further instructions for the use and maintenance of the footwear are contained in the instructions for the use and care of the footwear, which the Buyer receives upon purchase of the footwear. The Buyer is obliged to familiarise himself/herself with these instructions and to comply with them.


 The jacket must always be hung on a hanger so that the shape is maintained during use. The Seller does not recommend "throwing" a folded jacket over the back of a chair. The suit can only be cleaned in a dry cleaners, where the suit undergoes a dry cleaning process. The Buyer acknowledges that the suit may not be washed, either by hand or in an automatic washing machine, or put in the dryer. The suit can be brushed with a soft brush designed for cleaning clothes to remove any small spots, dandruff or hair. In no case may the Buyer clean the suit by himself/herself, even if liquid has been poured on the suit. The Seller warns the Buyer not to iron already worn trousers, as the dirt from wearing them as well as possible sweat will be ironed into the fabric, which may subsequently cause changes in the material of the Goods. Changes to the Goods or their characteristics caused by handling the Goods in violation of this section of these Complaints Procedure cannot be accepted as defects in the Goods in the context of a Complaint.


A defect in the Goods means in particular a defect in the material used or a defect caused by an incorrect technological procedure during production or the use of incorrect or inappropriate production technology.

The Buyer acknowledges that a change in the Goods or their characteristics resulting from wear and tear of the Goods due to normal use, improper use, use of the Goods for an improper purpose, improper or insufficient maintenance, excessive intensity of use, improper choice of size of the Goods, damage or any intervention by the Buyer or a third party or due to natural changes in the material from which the Goods are made, may not be considered a defect. The Buyer acknowledges that the length and intensity of use of the Goods must also be taken into account when assessing the claimed defect.


The liability for defects of the Seller with respect to the Buyer who is a Consumer are governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code") and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act").

This Complaints Procedure contains information for the purposes of Section 13 of the Consumer Protection Act and Section 1810 et seq. of the Civil Code on the scope, conditions and method of exercising rights arising from defective performance, together with information on where the Complaint can be filed.

The Buyer, who is a Consumer, is entitled to the rights under Section 2099 et seq. and Section 2158 to 2174b of the Civil Code and the rights under the Consumer Protection Act. The Buyer, who is a Consumer, is entitled to the rights from defective performance according to Articles 4.4 to 4.13 of this Complaints Procedure.  The Buyer's right of defective performance is based on the defect that the Goods have when taken over by the Buyer, even if it becomes apparent later.

In accordance with Section 2161 (1) of the Civil Code, the Seller shall be liable to the Buyer, who is a Consumer, for the fact that the Goods sold are free from defects upon receipt by the Buyer. In particular, the Seller shall be liable to the Buyer that the Goods upon receipt correspond to the agreed description, type and quantity, as well as quality, functionality and other agreed characteristics, that the Goods are suitable for the purpose for which the Buyer requires them and to which the Seller has agreed, and that they are delivered with the agreed accessories and instructions for use.

The Seller is liable to the Buyer, who is a Consumer, that in addition to the agreed characteristics:

  1. the Goods are suitable for the purpose for which the Goods are normally used, including with regard to third party rights, legislation, technical standards or, in the absence of technical standards, industry codes of practice,
  2. the Goods correspond in quantity, quality and other characteristics, including durability, functionality and safety, to the usual characteristics of Goods of the same kind that the Buyer can reasonably expect, also taking into account public statements made by the Seller or another person in the same contractual chain, in particular advertising or labelling,
  3. the Goods are supplied with accessories, including packaging, instructions for use, if any, and such other instructions as the Buyer may reasonably expect,
  4. the Goods correspond in quality or workmanship to the sample or sample provided by the Seller to the Buyer prior to the conclusion of the Contract, if such provision was made. 

This Article of this Complaints Procedure does not apply if the Seller has specifically notified the Buyer before the conclusion of the Contract that some of the characteristics of the Goods differ and the Buyer has expressly agreed to this when concluding the Contract. In particular, this is the case when a certain type of Goods is offered at a reduced price due to an objective deterioration in the characteristics of these Goods compared to Goods of the same type.

If the Goods have a defect, the Buyer, who is a Consumer, may demand its removal. He/she may, at his/her option, demand the delivery of new Goods without defect or their repair, unless the chosen method of removing the defect is impossible or disproportionately expensive compared to the other method; this shall be assessed in particular with regard to the significance of the defect, the value that the Goods would have without the defect and whether the defect can be removed by the other method without significant difficulties for the Consumer. The Seller may refuse to remove the defect if it is impossible or unreasonably costly to do so, particularly in view of the significance of the defect and the value that the Goods would have without the defect. The Seller shall remedy the defect within a reasonable time after an objection has been made out so as not to cause the Consumer significant inconvenience, taking into account the nature of the Goods and the purpose for which the Consumer purchased the Goods. The Seller shall take over the Goods at his/her own expense to remove the defect. If the Consumer does take over the Goods within a reasonable time after the Seller has informed him/her of the possibility to take over the Goods after repair, the Seller is entitled to payment for storage.

If a defect becomes apparent within one year of receipt, the Goods shall be deemed to have been defective upon receipt, unless the nature of the Goods or the defect precludes it. This period does not run for the time during which the Buyer cannot use the Goods, if the Buyer has rightfully pointed out the defect.

If the Seller has not remedied the defect in accordance with Article 4.6 of this Complaints Procedure and in accordance with Section 2170 of the Civil Code or if the Seller refuses to remedy the defect, the Buyer, who is a Consumer, has the right to demand a reasonable discount or the right to withdraw from the Contract. The Consumer shall have these rights even if the defect is repeated; if the defect is a material breach of the Contract and if it is obvious from the Seller's statement or the circumstances that the defect will not be remedied without significant difficulties for the Consumer or within a reasonable time, i.e. without undue delay, at the latest within 30 days from the date of the Complaint. The Buyer may not withdraw from the Contract if the defect in the Goods is insignificant; however, it shall be deemed that the defect is not insignificant. The reasonable discount shall be determined as the difference between the value of the Goods without defect and the defective Goods received by the Buyer.

If the Seller is in default in delivering the Goods, the Consumer may withdraw from the Purchase Contract if the Seller fails to fulfil its obligation even within an additional reasonable period of time granted by the Consumer. The Consumer may withdraw from the Purchase Contract without additional time only if the Seller has refused to perform or the performance at the specified time is necessary in view of the circumstances at the conclusion of the Purchase Contract or the Consumer has informed the Seller before the conclusion of the Contract that delivery at a certain time is necessary. The Seller shall return to the Consumer without undue delay, after receiving the Goods or after the Buyer proves to the Seller that he/she has sent the Goods, all monies paid by the Buyer under the Purchase Contract.

If the Goods are not used, the Buyer is entitled to object to the defect within 2 years from receipt of the Goods. In the case of purchase of used Goods, the Buyer is entitled to object to the defect within 1 year from the date of receipt of the Goods. If the Buyer has rightfully accused the Seller of a defect, the periods under this Article of this Complaints Procedure shall not run for the period during which the Buyer cannot use the Goods.

The Buyer is not entitled to the right from defective performance if the Buyer caused the defect. Defects in the Goods shall not include wear and tear caused by normal use of the Goods or, in the case of used Goods, wear and tear corresponding to the extent of their previous use.

The Buyer shall exercise the rights arising from defective performance in accordance with the procedure set out in Articles 4.14 to 4.28 of this Complaints Procedure.

The Buyer, who is a Consumer, is not obliged to object to the defect of the Goods without undue delay after he/she could have discovered it with sufficient care. However, the Seller recommends the Buyers to object to the defect as soon as possible after becoming aware of it, as the use of the Goods despite the manifested defect may cause the aggravation of this defect.


The Buyer's rights from defective performance shall be exercised by the Buyer in any shop (establishment) of the Seller (hereinafter also referred to as "Complaint"). Upon notification of a defect in the Goods or without undue delay after notification of a defect in the Goods, the Buyer shall inform the Seller which right from the defective performance he/she chooses.

The moment when the Seller receives the Goods from the Buyer is considered the moment of the Complaint. When making a Complaint, the Buyer is obliged to hand over the complete, cleaned and hygiene-sound Goods to the Seller. The Seller is not obliged to accept the Goods complained if the Goods are dirty.

The Buyer shall prove the purchase of the Goods from the Seller, as well as the timeliness of the Complaint, by presenting the purchase receipt. The Buyer may prove the purchase of the Goods from the Seller, as well as the timeliness of the Complaint, in another credible way.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Seller emphasises that the time for exercising the right of defective performance in the case of a Complaint in accordance with Article 4.10 of this Complaints Procedure is set for the period of time during which the Buyer cannot use the Goods (during the period of processing the Complaint). After the Complaint has been settled, this period shall continue and shall not be extended for a further 2 years, or 1 year in the case of used Goods.

If the Consumer exercises the right of defective performance, the Seller shall issue him/her a written confirmation when applying the Complaint, in which he/she shall indicate the date when the Consumer applied the Complaint, what is its content, what method of Complaint settlement the Consumer requires and the contact details of the Consumer for the purpose of providing information on the Complaint settlement. The Seller is obliged to issue to the Consumer after the Complaint has been settled a confirmation of the date and method of settlement of the Complaint, including confirmation of the repair and the duration of the repair, or a written justification of the rejection of the Complaint.

Complaints including the removal of defects must be settled and the Consumer informed of this fact without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of the Complaint, unless the Seller and the Consumer agree on a longer period. After the expiration of this period, the Consumer may withdraw from the Contract or demand a reasonable discount.

After settling the Complaint, the Seller shall invite the Buyer to take over the Goods according to the settled Complaint, usually at the Seller's premises where the Buyer has filed the Complaint.  If the Buyer does not take over the Goods personally, the person who is to take over the Goods on his/her behalf is obliged to prove to the Seller that the Buyer has authorised him/her to take over the Goods, preferably by submitting a written power of attorney.

If the Buyer does not take over the Goods in accordance with Article 4.20 of this Complaints Procedure within 10 days from the date of being informed about the possibility to take over the Goods, the Seller is entitled to a storage fee of CZK 100 for each day of delay in taking over the Goods in accordance with Article 4.6 of this Complaints Procedure.

The Buyer is entitled to turn with a Complaint or with a proposal to resolve a dispute with the Seller out of court to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, which is a supervisory and controlling body of the state administration. Detailed information on the inspection powers of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority can be found at:

In the event that a consumer dispute arises between the Seller and the Buyer, who is a Consumer, from the Purchase Contract or from the contract for the provision of services, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the Consumer may submit a proposal for out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to the designated entity for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, which is: the Czech Trade Inspection Authority.

The Buyer-Consumer can also use the on-line dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission at

The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, internet address: is the contact point under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes).

The Seller is entitled to sell the Goods on the basis of a trade licence. Trade inspection is carried out within the scope of its competence by the competent trade licensing authority. 4.27 Supervision over the area of personal data protection is exercised by the Office for Personal Data Protection, with its registered office at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7. 4.28 The Czech Trade Inspection Authority also supervises compliance with the Consumer Protection Act within a defined scope.


The liability of the Seller for defects in the Goods in relation to the Buyer, who is not a Consumer, is governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, in particular. Section 2099 et seq., unless otherwise specified in this Complaints Procedure. The warranty for quality for the purposes of Section 2113 of the Civil Code is not agreed in the Purchase Contract with the Buyer.

The Buyer shall inspect the Goods as soon as possible after receipt of the Goods and examine their characteristics and quantity.

Upon proper and timely notification of a defect in the Goods, and regardless of whether the delivery of the defective Goods violates the Purchase Contract in a material or immaterial way, the Seller shall, at their discretion, remedy the defects in the Goods by repairing them, supplying the Buyer with replacement Goods for the defective Goods, or providing the Buyer with a reasonable discount on the purchase price.

If the Seller fails to remove the defects of the Goods by repairing them or fails to deliver to the Buyer a replacement Goods for the defective Goods even within 30 days from the date of timely objection to the defect by the Buyer, the Buyer is entitled to demand a reasonable discount from the purchase price or withdraw from the Purchase Contract. If the Seller invites the Buyer to take over the Goods according to the settled Complaint after the expiry of the period of 30 days from the date of the timely objection to the defect, but before the Seller receives the Buyer's statement of withdrawal from the Purchase Contract or the requirement for a discount on the purchase price, the Buyer is obliged to take over the Goods according to the settled Complaint, while any withdrawal from the Purchase Contract is ineffective and the Buyer is not entitled to a discount on the purchase price.

The Buyer is obliged to come to the Seller's premises specified in the Seller's invitation to take over the Goods according to the settled Complaint, otherwise to the premises where the Complaint was filed. If the Buyer fails to take over the Goods even within 5 working days from the that day he/she was informed of the possibility to take over the Goods, the Seller is entitled to charge the Buyer the costs of storage of the Goods in a lump sum of CZK 100 for each day of delay in taking over the Goods. If the Buyer is in default with the acceptance of the Goods for more than 6 months, the Seller is entitled at its option to arrange for the disposal of the Goods, which the Buyer agrees to, or to sell the Goods as used Goods, whereby the Seller shall notify the Buyer without undue delay and shall pay the proceeds, after deducting the costs of storage and sale of the Goods, to the Buyer's designated bank account, or in cash or deposit them at the Buyer's expense in court custody.

The Buyer's rights arising from liability for defects shall be exercised by the Buyer in the Seller's shop where the Goods were purchased and if the Goods were purchased through the E-shop, the Buyer shall be obliged to exercise the rights from liability for defects in writing at the address BANDI VAMOS a.s., Poděbradova 103, Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava, Postcode 702 00, Czech republic, together with sending the Goods at his/her own expense. The application of Section 1924 of the Civil Code is excluded.

The moment of notification of defects shall be deemed to be the moment when the Seller received from the Buyer a written notification of defects together with the complained Goods. The Buyer is obliged to deliver the Goods to the Seller complete, cleaned and hygienic when claiming liability for defects. The Seller is not obliged to accept the Goods if the Goods are dirty.

The Buyer is obliged to exercise his/her rights under the liability for defects without undue delay as soon as the defect is discovered. Unreasonable delay in exercising the rights under the liability for defects and possible use of the Goods despite the discovery of the defect may cause the deterioration of the defect of the Goods and may be a reason for rejection of the Complaint.


The Seller, as a Provider, offers its customers the Garment Fitting Service. The terms and conditions under which this Service is provided are set out below in Clause 6 of this Complaints Procedure.

The service of men's clothing fitting is provided only if all components of the men's clothing to be tailored to the Buyer's measurements have been purchased from the Seller. The service is provided only in the Provider's premises (shops). The service is provided only if the Buyer has purchased the Goods, which are subject to fitting, in the Seller's brick-and-mortar store, not in the E-shop. In the event that the Buyer does not use the Service immediately after the purchase of the Goods to be adjusted, but only later, he is obliged to deliver the Goods to be adjusted to the Provider before the provision of the Service for hygienic reasons cleaned in a professional dry cleaner.

Men's clothing fitting service is provided to the Buyer for FREE if the Buyer meets all the conditions of the FREE clothing alteration service. The Buyer may claim the FREE Service at any Seller's establishment (shop) within 30 days from the date of purchase of the Goods to be modified. The terms and conditions for FREE clothing fitting can be obtained on request at all Provider's stores and are available for preview on the Provider's website

In the event that the conditions for the Service to be provided FREE of charge are not met, the price for the provision of the Service shall be governed by the price list of STANDARD men's clothing fitting and the price list of NON-STANDARD men's clothing fitting, which are visibly displayed in all of the Provider's premises (shops) or can be viewed on the Provider's website

The fitting of men's clothing marked as STANDARD means the necessary adjustment of men's clothing purchased from the Provider. The Buyer does not conform to the ready-to-wear measurements, and it is not possible to comply with the rules of social etiquette with regard to dressing other than by choosing a ready-to-wear measurement and then adjusting it.

The fitting of men's clothing marked as NON-STANDARD means the modification of men's clothing purchased from the Provider, when the Buyer is already dressed according to the rules of social etiquette before the performance of the Service, but has chosen an adjustment of clothing that is by its nature outside the scope of the modification marked as STANDARD, for example: a centimetre narrowing of pants or jacket of a model slightly slimmed down to the level of a slimmed-down model, etc.


The rights and obligations of the Provider and the Buyer who has used the Service from the defective performance are governed by the applicable generally binding statutory provisions (in particular the provisions of Sections 1914 to 1925 of the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act).

The Provider is obliged to perform without defects or to provide the Service as described in this Complaints Procedure. The Provider is liable to the Buyer who has used the Service for the fact that the Service has the specified and agreed characteristics.

As soon as the Buyer who has used the Service discovers the defect, he/she is obliged to notify the Provider without undue delay by identifying the defect or describing how the defect manifests itself; an objection to the defect can be made within 6 months from the provision of the Service (Section 1921 of the Civil Code). If the defect is removable, the Buyer who has used the Service has the right to have the defect removed or a reasonable discount on the price for the Service; if the defect cannot be removed, the User has the right to withdraw from the Contract (Section 1923 of the Civil Code).

Since the subject of performance is a service, not the sale of a thing or the production of a work, the Buyer who has used the Service does not have the rights from the purchase contract according to Section 2158 et seq. of the Civil Code on the sale of goods to consumers (e.g. rights from defective performance from the purchase contract, etc.). However, the Buyer who has used the Service has the right to have the Provider provide the Service with the agreed characteristics and in accordance with the Contract and in the event of a material breach of these contractual obligations by the Provider, the User has the right to withdraw from the Contract under the terms of Section 2002 of the Civil Code.

In the event that the Buyer who used the Service is a Consumer, the procedure under Articles 4.14 to 4.28 of these Complaints Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis also to the exercise of the right to claim the right from the defective performance of the Service consisting in the tailoring of men's clothing to the Buyer. In the event that the Buyer who used the Service is not a Consumer, the relevant provisions of Article 5 of this Complaints Procedure shall apply to the exercise of his/her right from defective performance.


This Complaints Procedure takes effect as of 6 January 2023. The current version of the Complaints Procedure is posted in printed form in all the Seller's stores and is also available on the Seller's website


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